This document provides a reference for all features available to you via the SMPP interface for sending SMS. SMPP is considered the industry standard for sending SMS to Network providers and is our native protocol.
The Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) is a protocol used by the telecommunications industry for exchanging SMS messages between Short Message Service Centers (SMSC) and/or External Short Messaging Entities (ESME).
The protocol is a level-7 TCP/IP protocol, which allows fast delivery of SMS messages.
The most commonly used versions of SMPP are v3.3, the most widely supported standard, and v3.4, which adds transceiver support (single connections that can send and receive messages). Data exchange may be synchronous, where each peer must wait for a response for each PDU being sent, and asynchronous, where multiple requests can be issued in one go and acknowledged in a skew order by the other peer.
SMSGATEWAYHUB supports the industry standard SMPP V3.4 protocol.

SMPP Features :

  • High throughput ( up to 200 msgs/second )
  • SMPP is a direct connection to carriers and provides instant delivery
  • Usage of Short Code
  • SMPP offers status delivery reports
  • 24/7 support via our support system

Server Details :

  • Parameter   Description
  • PORT - 9922
  • SYSTEM ID [ Username ]
  • PASSWORD [ Password ]

Options :

  • Parameter
  • Transmitter bind (TX)
  • Receiver bind (RX)
  • Transceiver bind (TRX)
  • Submit command
  • TON: 1
  • NPI: 1

Are your messages over 160 characters?

Please note you will need to split your SMS into 153 characters per part and include the headers.

Do you wish to use unicode in your SMS?

Please ensure you set your DCS value to 8 to ensure unicode is encrypted properly. If you wish to send over 70 characters using unicode you will need to split your SMS into parts of 67 characters and include the headers.

Delivery Receipts

Delivery receipts are optional. They can be pushed through an RX / TRX bind back to the user. To enable delivery receipts login to the SMSGATEWAYHUB MobileWorks preferences and update your delivery receipt settings to enable a push over SMPP.